Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Sound Drawing (9/21/17) and Sound Drawing Interview

I thought that the installation was very interesting. I think that the sounds were good at getting a strong response from the listener. In my experience the sounds gave me very high anxiety. This forced me to use very bright, loud colors. It got to the point in the installation that I wanted totake the headphones off because it was so triggering and obnoxious. I think that was the intent of the piece so I enjoyed the success of the piece. 

I found myself also using a lot of spirals and squiggles. I think that was how I mentally and physically filtered my thoughts of anxiety. I couldn't stop moving my hand while I was listening to the sounds. 

I love the idea that the drawings from the installation are going into a book. Thats such a cool and unique experience for a freshman in college. I would love to purchase the book when it is released.
My drawing that was inspired by my installation took more time than my installation pieces. I didn't expect to take so much time on it. I was very specific with my lines and colors. I was also very calm anf organized while drawing which is the exact opposite of my feelings in the installation.

Sound Drawing Interview: 
I interviewed Mia Bagnall about her piece. Here is the audio clip:
I also was interviewed by David Kwak about my piece above. Here is the audio clip:

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