Thursday, October 12, 2017

Daily Practice (10/6/17)

Going Home:

Going home this weekend was very important for me. I hadn't been home in a month and a half which is the longest amount of time I've ever been away from home. I was so overjoyed to go home that when I walked in the door I immediately started to cry. I cried for a good 20 minutes before I stopped and just laid on my couch contently.

Being in surroundings that are super familiar is so comforting. I forgot how the material of my couch felt against my skin, and the way the sun feels pouring through the windows. I missed being kiss attacked by my puppy and hugged by my brother. I hadn't see my brother since move in day.

I kept thinking about the senses we learned about in class and applying them to my weekend. It was interesting to apply things we learned in class to my weekend.

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week of songs playlist

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