Saturday, February 10, 2018

daily observation #1-#7

The Second Chance Prom

The prom was enjoyable. My friends wanted me to go and I was happy to. I love supporting my friends for who they are. It was empowering to see a room full of people having fun and being proud of themselves. The dancing was fun and the music was good. I loved seeing the professors and students interacting with the students whether high school or college.

My Room

This weekend I had a lot of time to myself to reflect. Since being back to school it has been nonstop activity. I can't believe  how long I've been back to campus and how it's already February. Before I know it I will be leaving for spring break. I realized I really enjoy my dorm room. My bed is comfortable, I'm near the window and have great views of the outdoors. Although my side of the room is miniscule I enjoy having my own space.


I went to "heaven" with my friends one night. It's the highest parking lot at Alfred State. It is called heaven because it has an amazing view of Alfred University and Alfred State. It gave me a new perspective that I didn't have staying in my dorm in AU. I realized how beautiful our campus is. It made me happy and I want to go back to experience it again soon.

Bri and Mia's Dorm Room

I love going to Bri and Mia's dorm room in Baressi. It is where we hang out every day. It is the place I have some of my best college memories. I feel so comfortable coming and hanging out with my friends there. Being able to come over to a friends room at anytime is such a perk. It is great knowing that a laugh is only a walk away.


Although I obviously can't observe home since I am at school, I definitely can observe how homesickness effects me and mood. I definitely struggles with this this weekend. When I was in high school I was on the technology crew. This weekend they had their latest musical and it made me sad that I couldn't go to see it. It made me think about how sad I was to miss it and how I was sad about not being home for so long. I am beyond excited to be heading home in a few weeks. I am going to see my mom, my dog, my brother and I'm going to go visit my sister at school. I also get to see great friends. It will be a great time.


I gather there twice a day five days a week and sometimes on the weeks for midnight. I create many memories with my friends in that space. We commonly complain about the food, about school work and some of us about our boy troubles. This is a significant space because its where we get out nourishment, even though sometimes with food we don't completely enjoy eating.

Harder Hall/ Cohen

These are two places we are constantly learning. I appreciate this spaces and they are the spaces that drew me into the college. I knew I was going to become a better artist in these places. I love going to class in these space. I like that I am becoming more comfortable in harder Hall. I am constantly discovering more of the space and realizing its potential and mine. These are spaces I gained friends and relationships with teachers that will help me through my years at already. I appreciate this spaces.

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week of songs playlist

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